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Foto del escritor: Cheko RuizCheko Ruiz

I have no words for what I witnessed tonight. Here is the story... I came to Cheko Ruiz & Big Band show at The Palm Cabaret and Bar. Show is incredible and full of rhythm and energy, like all the productions Cheko leads. As all we know COVID is affecting the entertainmnet world, and puerto vallarta is no exception. Businesses and performers are trying very hard to bring people in to the shows as season already started.

Tonight we where a short group of people at Cheko's concert, the band did not give up and leave their soul on the stage. In front of my seat where a couple really enjoying the show, A lovely couple that I will never forgot. The men called to the Manager and request the purchase of 20 tickets on Cheko's Band behalf, "this guys worked very hard to bring this show that I am really enjoying..." he said. I was so touched and happy for such a big action I witnessed, but the story continue. At the end of the show the couple went to the box office and purchase 10 more tickets!!! OMG!!! 30 tickets for tonight where paid to support the performer, that says a lot, there still good actions and art supporters. On the name of Cheko Ruiz, the musicians, The Palm Cabaret and ME... THANK YOU, you have give me a good lesson tonight.


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Foto del escritor: Cheko RuizCheko Ruiz

El mundo se detuvo, pero las ganas de crear música no, me tuve que dar a la tarea de priorizar y replantear sobre que es lo que quiero hacer con mi carrera musical, me di cuenta de que llevaba mucho tiempo sin grabar una nueva canción y subirla a Spotify o Itunes, asi que tome la decisión de empezar a hacer nuevos arreglos para mis canciones y surgió la oportunidad de crecer mi banda, ahora somos 8 músicos para la siguiente temporada de conciertos, estoy muy contento porque estoy aprendiendo de ellos, cada uno tiene su propio arte, y eso me encanta, por cuestiones de la cuarentena al principio fue muy difícil poder ensayar, aislados cada quien en sus casas, estudiamos las canciones y cuando al fin pudimos reunirnos para ensayar comenzó la magia, grabamos mi primer tema con esta nueva banda "BELLA CIAO", que es una de mis canciones favoritas, y tenemos planes para seguir grabando, los arreglos de la sección de trompeta, trombon y sax los esta haciendo Juakin mi nuevo director musical, y estoy muy contento con el resultado, estoy seguro que la gente disfrutara mucho de esta nueva música


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Cheko Ruiz and his band were invited to be part of the first Banderas Bay Music Festival.

Sharing the stage with The Paperboys, PUG and David Jacobs-Strain & Bob Beach.

It was a magical and wonderful night, in the end all the bands played together, people danced and I really enjoyed this show, we hope that next year will be a success too.

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